Saturday, May 10, 2008

So I am not very good at this.

Ok, my daughter, Courtney, wanted to know why I haven't posted anything since I started this blog. I guess I am just lazy or tired or forget or probably think no one is going to read it anyway. I guess they will have to keep nagging me so I will maybe get better at this.

Jim is still on a trip with his brother and sister-in-law. He is not usually gone from home like this and I think he is missing us. He has had fun and learned a lot, but I think he is ready to come home. He should be here Tuesday.

We start play rehearsals for Singin' In the Rain this week. I find out tomorrow what part I have. It should be a really good show.

Time to get some studying done. And I am about to finish my Bling water bottle holders. They will be going to girls camp. Our girls are from the Kingdom of Bling. Maybe I can get a picture of them and post it so you can see.