Sunday, July 27, 2008


Time is said to be going so fast, but lately it seems to be dragging. That is probably because I am so lonesome for my children and grandchildren. I guess the reason it is dragging is because at least some of my family and friends are getting to come here during August. I can hardly wait!! The only 2 drawbacks I see about the whole thing is that only part of my kids and grandkids will be here, and I have to work part of the time while they are here. (Jobs sure do get in the way of things that are truly important) I am glad though for the time we will get. I am glad Jim and Lindsey will have time with them. I am also glad that Jim and Lindsey will be in a play while they are here, and it is a play the grandkids should love. (Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) My family, my faith, and my friends are the most important things in the world to me. I wish there was a way to gather all of the family closer and enjoy each other more often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two posts in one month?? You're upsetting the cosmos! You guys better not get too busy with work and plays or we'll have all the fun without you!! ;)